Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The road to nowhere

The hike up to Temple Crag from the Big Pine camping area was longer than it needed to be. I should have trusted the topo over the advice from the campground manager. Five of the seven of us took the hike: Uncle Jim, Jimmy, me, and Alex and Zach. My uncle's grandchildren (a long and telling story about the loving person he is) stayed at the base camp and fished and painted (Nick and Brandon respectively).

For me, the hike itself was meditative. I suspect it is a lot like walking a labyrinth, something I've never done before. The overwhelming emotion for most of the hike was the realization that my dad had walked the very same path to get to the base of the mountain.

My contemplation was interrupted by the beauty of the place itself. Deep valleys formed by massive, steep mountains. Wildflowers still in bloom painting the mountain sides and creek beds with vibrant colors. Verdant paths cut by the creek, topped by a gentle series of waterfalls. At the top of the cascades, I was rewarded with a wonderful aspen grove, which brought Lisa along for the trip (they're her favorite trees up there).

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